Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups, Gummy Candies, Licorice, Sour Straws, Gummy snacks. Ahh, those days... Those days I didn't worry about the ingredients or the calorie intake. I could sit home watching TV and eat an entire box of Fruit Roll-ups and never feel sick (whether it be gluten induced or junk food crap stomach-ache induced). I could eat candy, chocolate and ice cream for eternity. I used to dream candy and processed junk food like it was my job. The only thing I needed to worry about was cavities. As a kid and a teen I seemed to have a very fast metabolism, and never had to worry about gaining weight. I somehow just lost it. So it was cavities. As a child my mom did the grocery shopping so I didn't need to worry about reading labels, decoding ingredients and sounding out the gluten from the side ingredient list on the box. Does this have gluten? Is this an additive? a thickener? hidden gluten? aye aye!. But lik...
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