Lately I have been writing a LOT about snacks. Essentially snacks are what makes the day go by a little more fuller. When it comes to eating gluten-free I find that the meals are easy and its the snacks that leave you pondering where and what for that day. Where am I going to find gluten-free processed snacks and what processed snack will I eat that have some kind of nutritional value.
PopCorners are another GREAT snack to much on that are gluten-free. Woo hoo! Actually, my brother who is only 16 has been educating himself on the gluten-free diet, he is such a good sport. He is not gluten-free but every now and again he will text me his latest gluten-free find. And if I have not had it before I will make sure to try it with him. After all he did discover Tates GF chocolate chip cookies, Skinny popcorn and a few other gluten free processed snack options.
And why did he find them before me? Because he's a teenager, and kids and teens thrive on processed snacks! So rock on Gregster and thanks for the tip!!
PopCorners has a few great flavors to say the least...White Cheddar, Kettle, Butter, Cheesy Jalapeno and Sea Salt. I have tried the Sea Salt and White Cheddar Flavor. My brother loves the Kettle, and the Cheesy Jalapeno? I really want to try that one! Oooh-Spicy!
Another great trait about this snack is that it doesn't have that scary no taste taste that most people assume gluten-free comes with. It just happens to be gluten-free. So all your children and their friends can enjoy this snack without feeling deprived or left out of the group.
PopCorners gives you the option of two snacks. Popcorn and Chips. Combine it and you have PopCorners; a triangular shaped chip that looks and smells like smashed popcorn.
PopCorners are great but more calories then Pop Chips, and these two are different. I prefer to eat less calories so I opt for a different snack, but PopCorners area delicious, kid-friendly and a great source of fiber. Send your gluten-free child to school with some tasty snacks just like Popcorners. You will be happy you did.
Interested in using PopCorners in your recipes? Then check out this LINK. Covert some of these recipes and add in these chips like Pop's Meatloaf and Sea Salt Fillets. Yum!
Enjoy! xoxo Julie
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