Gluten-Free Snack and Candy List-This is a great list to give to teachers, babysitters, daycare or any caretaker of your child during school or afterschool hours when you as a parent are not able to care for your child. We as parents always want what is best for our children, and especially when dealing with a Gluten-Free child we always want to be there to make sure they are not eating, digesting or playing with anything that has gluten. However, there are going to be times when we cannot be there. So a list like this is great to pass on. Please add to this list that Betty Crocker frostings and GF Mixes are now being offered.
Gluten Free Basics-is a great list re-organizing your life to be gluten-free with tips on what to avoid, how to simplify. The obvious and un-obvious rules of cross-contamination and where gluten hides. This list also gives you ideas and planned gf menus on what to serve for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
Gluten-Free Candy List-This is an older list so there may be newer things that are not on this list that are in fact gluten-free. This list will come in handy around Halloween.
GF Candies Info and phone number List-This list provides most candy manufacturers phone numbers so you can be proactive and call their customer service numbers for GF information.
Nut Free, Milk Free and Gluten Free Candy List-Fantastic list!
Lists-from find great helpful hints on the gf lifestyle
Gluten Free Candy List-Did you know that Airheads, Almond Joy and Bubble Yum Gum are gluten free? Find out more from this list.
Don't forget there are great sites out there to support a parent with a gluten-free child. Whether you are just beginning or need a helping hand, try these sites: site designated to help parents with gf children.
Coping with has a section for coping with CD. Gluten Free Living is a great magazine that I highly recommend anyone to Subscribe to. From a beginner to an expert, this magazine has great articles on topics like restaurants and food to cross contamination and lipsticks along with articles from Celiac specialists, Doctor's and Nutritionists.
All about KIDS
Blogs worth checking out if you are a parent of a gluten-free child:
What To Feed Your Kids is a great blog about a family who has gone gluten-free. You can read about their lives and the great recipes they make with their kids. For those of you who have children and want to cook at home, there are some fun recipes on this blog like GF onion rings! Yum!!
Gluten Free Letter For School-GlutenFreeIsLife is another great blog written by a GF Mom. She has written a letter that she used for her son. I think every GF mom should print this out for their children.
Enjoy! xoxo Julie
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