Argh! I'm sure many of you can feel my frustration with dining out. Some of these waiter's just don't get the whole gluten-free thing! While dining at Bar Frites in Long Island I mention I'm gluten free. The confused look on the waiter's makes me nervous. So I explain. No flour, no bread or breadcrumbs, no sauces and marinades. He advises the plain steak no works. No fries because they are contaminated. No caramelized onions because they are contaminated. So that's what I ordered. He was an annoyed waiter that didn't want to deal with my intolerance. I was super aggravated. Since when should lunch ever be a hassle? Sometimes being Celiac is frustrating.
The comical part of the meal, is when I asked the waiter for plain butter and he told me butter is not gluten-free. Aye! He looked at me and said "I don't think you can have butter".
And the crazy part?-this is not the first time a waiter/waitress has mistaken a dairy allergy for a gluten-allergy.
Aye Caramba! xoxo Julie
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